Friday, September 14, 2012

My Favorite Yoga Pairings

Lately, I've been thinking of yoga like a fine wine, something that is great on its own, but enhanced when paired with something else. Here are some of my favorite yoga pairings lately.

Yoga + candlelight. When I practice yoga at home, it helps me to turn off the lights so I can focus on my breath and not how much I need to dust. But doing yoga in a pitch black room isn't ideal, so lighting a candle or two is perfect. It sets the mood and helps me relax.

Yoga + spinning. I used to love taking group cycling classes and even taught them for a while, but it's hard to fit it in my schedule when I'm practicing yoga four times a week. My solution lately has been to follow up a 30-minute ride on my spin bike with a 30-minute yoga practice. I spend a little less time doing each, but it feels awesome. Some gyms offer dedicated yoga + spin classes, but if not, you can add your own yoga routine to the end of a traditional spin class.

Yoga + a friend. I'm a big fan of seeing friends and getting something done at the same time, and scheduling yoga classes with friends is a great way for me to do that. Sometimes I don't schedule enough time to slow down, breathe, and stretch, and knowing I can catch up with a friend either before or after 1. makes sure I get it done and 2. means I'll get even more out of the experience. It's also a great  way to introduce more people to yoga; if a friend is thinking of taking a class, inviting her to come along can be a good way for her to get started.

What is your favorite yoga pairing?

- Rachel