Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Yoga Class Etiquette

Since I've started practicing yoga regularly, I've noticed a lot of little things other people do before/during/after yoga classes that get under my skin. I know that's probably not the most yogic way of thinking; I should tune that out, right? Not let what other people are doing get me down? Yes, I totally should. But for me, part of being a member of the yoga community means I acknowledge others' practices and do my best to respect them. With that in mind, I think it's good to consider the things we can do to be kinder and more respectful to those sharing the studio.

Here are four ways we can all be courteous to our fellow yogis:

1. Avoid talking loudly right outside the studio. Even though it's great to see a friend you haven't seen in a while waiting for the next class, it's best keep your voice to a whisper when chatting. If there is a class in session, these conversations can be incredibly disruptive as they finish their practice. Even if there isn't a class in session and you're simply hanging out on your mat, there are likely other people around you who are meditating or simply beginning to quiet their minds and relax their bodies. Let them have their moment.

2. Be timely. Arrive on time and stay all the way through class. (And yes, Savasana is part of class.) Sure things come up -- hello, traffic! -- but when this happens, it's best to enter the studio quietly and get settled quickly. This is not the time to unfurl your mat with fanfare and then make four long, slow, trips to collect props. If you know you have to leave right on time, or even a few minutes early, get a spot by the door and make a stealth exit. You're a yoga ninja -- remember that.

3. Turn your cell phone's sound off. And turn it off off. Don't put it on vibrate. Don't turn your Kylie Minogue ringtone to the quietest setting. Just turn it off. And if you do accidentally leave it on, please be courteous and hop off your mat to silence it the first time it rings. (For reason that I still haven't quite figured out, the person who forgot to silence her phone is always the most popular person in class. So not only am I distracted by the ringer, I'm also distracted thinking, I don't get that many phone calls in a day, let alone an hour. How does she do it?! Before I know it, I'm so busy contemplating whether I think she's a CEO, a doctor, or a movie star, I've totally forgotten to Chaturanga.)

4. Wear clean clothes. Yes, I said it. Look, I hate doing laundry as much as the next person but when it comes to my yoga clothes? Well, I know that Febreze just ain't cutting it. You may be totally comfortable with own natural scent, but just know that it might not be so well-received by those around you. And while we're talking smells, remember that it's best to skip the perfumes or scented lotions before class. Many people have allergies or are simply sensitive to these types of smells.

And here are four things we can always feel good about doing:

  • Knowing your body and its limits
  • Modifying poses when you need to 
  • Stopping to drink water
  • Taking Child's Pose
What are some other ways you think we can all respect each other in class? 

- Rachel


  1. All very good points! I hope folks pay attention, especially to #1.

  2. These things don't bother me as much as they do you. It's just all part of being on your mat and not focusing on anyone else. There are all sorts of weird things that go on during class. Who cares?!
