Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Yoga & the Olympics

Have you been following the Olympics? While I'm not a huge sports fan, I love watching the summer games on TV. (And my family actually went to the '96 games in Atlanta!) I thought I'd share some ways I've seen yoga making its way into the Olympics this year.

First, US men's basketball player Deron snapped this photo of coach Mike Krzyzewski getting his child's pose on.

I can imagine that being a coach for Team USA gets pretty stressful and I can see why he'd take a moment to breathe!

In other news, have you heard that some people want to make yoga an Olympic sport? USAYoga is an international organization that is pushing for this; they put on the National Yoga Asana Championship back in March. According to CBS News:
Participants must do a series of seven yoga poses in three minutes. Five are compulsory — standing head-to-knee pose, standing bow-pulling pose, bow pose, rabbit pose, and stretching pose. The participants are allowed to pick the last two poses themselves.
Rajashree Choudhury, founder of USA Yoga, claims that the focus is on yoga postures. Still, a lot of people are questioning whether turning yoga into a competition goes against everything yoga is about. While I can see why those who love yoga would want to bring it to an international event like the Olympics, I am not really on board with this idea. I chose yoga specifically because it's not a competition; I'm not crazy about the idea of turning it into one.

Have you been following the Olympics? What do you think of the idea of yoga as an Olympic sport?

- Rachel 

Yoga poses as Olympic sport: Is that a stretch? [CBS News]


  1. I have not watched the Olympics for many years now (since Munich in 1972). Honestly, yoga as a competition? A very bad idea...I cannot think of anything more antithetical to the very core of what yoga seems to be about than competition.

    1. In simpler terms "competitive yoga" is an oxymoron.
