Sunday, September 25, 2011


Do you ever find yourself looking forward to a new season? 

Especially living in Texas, I always find myself ready for summer to be over and for fall to begin. I look forward to the temperature steadily dropping, days beginning to get shorter, and all the delicious things the earth has to offer in the fall- apples for applesauce, and pumpkins and squashes for a variety of amazing dishes. 

I am often ready for the seasons to change before they actually do. 

When I was in 6th grade, I learned the phrase "Change is inevitable". They pushed us to learn and accept the phrase and try to understand what it meant. Plus inevitable is a really good vocabulary for a 6th grader to learn. 

This concept isn't always easy to understand. Especially for most adults, who as we grow older, lose that flexibility that we once had as children to adapt to different situations. We like things a certain way, we like certain foods and habits, and it gets more difficult to change them as we age. 

The easiest kind of change is the kind you are ready for. Not something forced upon you by the cosmos, but something you picked for yourself. Maybe it's a new haircut, car, or realization that something negative in your life needs to be removed and you are prepared to remove it. 

Our culture seems to lack a tremendous amount of self exploration. And by this I mean sitting down at the end of everyday, or week, and taking a good hard look at yourself and everything that makes up your life. People eat unhealthy for years upon years and are then surprised when they wake up with a myriad of health issues. This is one thing I love about yoga. Yoga makes me more aware of my body, and the thoughts I think about myself and others. It makes me want to put good and whole foods into my body, so that I can perform all the things I want. 

Are you ready for change in your life? If so, embrace it! you have more power than you realize. If you aren't ready for a change, be ok with admitting it. Be there for those around you who are ready for a change and support them. 

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