Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today we remember a day that changed the course of history in our country. 

Recently there was an article in the Yoga Journal (I think) about how yogi's pulled together after the Trade Towers collapsed. They came together to gain a sense of peace during an otherwise frightening time , and out of the ashes yoga studios popped up around New York. Lying in savasana at the end of class suddenly had a new meaning. 

10 years has passed and many things have changed. Our children won't grow up in the same world that we grew up in, and around every corner there seems to be lurking paranoia, hurt, and fear. 

Gandhi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world". What if instead of talking about how our country and the world could be better, people actually lived out the changes we should take? 

Everyday we have options and decisions to make. Do you always choose peace, happiness, and joy? Or do you take what seems to be the easier option of anger, mistrust, and hate? 

What will you choose today? When somebody cuts you off, flips you off, hurts your feelings, or does something you disagree with, choose peace, happiness, or joy. You cannot control others actions, but you can control your reactions

Be the good in the world, and maybe, if enough people pitch in, our grandchildren and great-grand children can grow up in a better world than we could ever dream. 

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