Friday, November 4, 2011

travel and yoga

I love to travel. Fortunately I've been able to do so-I think I've traveled 9 times so far this year, and I'll be taking my 10th trip next week.

Every one of those trips my mat came with me. I think I pulled it out and used it 8 of those 9 times.

Yoga on the road can be a really rewarding experience, whether you practice in your hotel room, or go out into the city and explore a new studio. I've been inspired by meeting new people, and allowing myself time to stretch and breathe at my own pace. My body has become accustomed to moving, stretching, and working daily, that I'm not sure I could go a whole weekend without practicing.

So my mat travels with me. I've been taking my manduka pro with me lately and let me tell you-it's no picnic to carry around. It seems to weigh in the neighborhood of 1000 lbs, although their website says it only weighs 7.

Travel can be exhausting and draining-both physically and emotionally. My mat has become a home for my practice. It's a familiar place to plant my feet for 30 minutes or so during my day.

Although I travel fairly often, I am by no means an expert. The only thing I can seem to remember to bring with me is my mat and my toothbrush. 98% of the time I forget my hairbrush, thus I have about 10 scattered around my house. I am usually short on something: tops, bottoms, or sweaters...but I always have my mat.

A few travel tips I have had success with:
  • Bring a travel size candle with you to burn in your room-I take the 7 oz. Olive Blossom candle with me when I travel, because it reminds me of home. (check with your hotel and make sure this is allowed...)
  • To attempt lighter travel, take a few items that can be mix and matched with other pieces.
  • Drink lots of water and take some C! Traveling in an airplane can dry out your skin, and leave you feeling dehydrated. Make sure you drink lots of water while you travel. Take your vitamins as travel can be stressful and stress can lead to a weaker immune system.
  • Set some time aside each day to sit still and breathe. Even if you don't take your mat and practice chaturangas, being still and breathing will reconnect your mind, body, and spirit. (note: for more stressful travel, take deep breaths, and hum on your exhale. This is called Bee breath (because you sound like a little bee) and has tremendous calming effects on the nervous system. Try it out!)
  • Don't forget to sleep! As I've previously mentioned 101 times before in this post, travel can be exhausting, and nothing is worse than coming home from a trip and being even more exhasted than when you left. After travel, you still have to come back to your everyday routine.
Good luck with all your traveling this Holiday season. Yes I am trying to get better about packing like an adult. I'll let you know if I remember my hair brush next week.

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