This trail mix is one of my favorite fall recipes. To make it, you just need four ingredients: dried chopped dates, candy corn, dark chocolate chips, and peanuts.
Combine these ingredients and you're all set!
- Rachel
The Lululemon "Astro" pant |
Participants must do a series of seven yoga poses in three minutes. Five are compulsory — standing head-to-knee pose, standing bow-pulling pose, bow pose, rabbit pose, and stretching pose. The participants are allowed to pick the last two poses themselves.
"We are in the business of providing great customer service," said her termination notice from Plus One Health Management [the corporate fitness company that Facebook went through to employ her]. "Unless a client requires us to specifically say no to something, we prefer to say yes whenever possible."While saying yes as often as possible seems like the yogic thing to do, I feel like this teacher was treated unfairly. A no cell phone policy is pretty standard for all yoga classes, out of respect for our fellow students and for our own safety (if we're paying more attention to our phones than the instructor, we could miss an important verbal or visual cue and hurt ourselves). I would think that Facebook chose to hold in-office yoga sessions precisely to help employees unplug. Even if the employee didn't feel the rule applied to her, I would expect the yoga instructor's boss to use this as a teaching moment for the Facebook execs who hired their company.
Co-founders of the Massachusetts-based Broga yoga studio certainly thought so, touting their program as a “strong” and “energetic” class “where it’s okay if you can’t touch your toes.” Putting aside the fact that it’s okay in any yoga class if you can’t touch your toes, there is certainly some truth to the subtext here: stereotypically, yoga often isn’t exactly viewed as a hyper-masculine pursuit.I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I find the name a little obnoxious and I don't like the idea that we have to call it something else or exclude a group of people just to get more people through the door. Can't we just work on breaking down the stereotype that yoga is only for women? Certainly all the male teachers and students already practicing must count for something. On the other hand, I'm excited about anything that gets more people to try yoga and if practicing with other men is what it takes for some guys to feel comfortable enough to start practicing, then I'm all for it! People have all different reasons for starting yoga and I'm sure some of them have to do with really great marketing.
"Allergies are worsened by a stress reaction, which causes physiological responses, including the release of stress hormones and histamine, and triggers inflammation," says Jeff Migdow, M.D., director of Prana Yoga Teacher Training through the Open Center in New York as well as a holistic physician at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Lenox, Massachusetts. "Relaxation diminishes fight-or-flight response, and thereby reduces allergic symptoms." Through relaxation, the nervous system basically tells the immune system to hold its fire. Once the immune system backs off, the inflammation and mucus decrease, and symptoms diminish.Migdow has a few more tips on allergies and yoga: