Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homemade Halloween Trail Mix

October is my favorite month of the year. I love Halloween and I love everything about fall -- the colors, the crisp air (well, it's sort of crisp in Texas), and the food.

This trail mix is one of my favorite fall recipes. To make it, you just need four ingredients: dried chopped dates, candy corn, dark chocolate chips, and peanuts.

Combine these ingredients and you're all set!

It tastes exactly like a Snickers bar, but it's a bit healthier. Give it a try for a great fall snack!

- Rachel

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Favorite Yoga Pairings

Lately, I've been thinking of yoga like a fine wine, something that is great on its own, but enhanced when paired with something else. Here are some of my favorite yoga pairings lately.

Yoga + candlelight. When I practice yoga at home, it helps me to turn off the lights so I can focus on my breath and not how much I need to dust. But doing yoga in a pitch black room isn't ideal, so lighting a candle or two is perfect. It sets the mood and helps me relax.

Yoga + spinning. I used to love taking group cycling classes and even taught them for a while, but it's hard to fit it in my schedule when I'm practicing yoga four times a week. My solution lately has been to follow up a 30-minute ride on my spin bike with a 30-minute yoga practice. I spend a little less time doing each, but it feels awesome. Some gyms offer dedicated yoga + spin classes, but if not, you can add your own yoga routine to the end of a traditional spin class.

Yoga + a friend. I'm a big fan of seeing friends and getting something done at the same time, and scheduling yoga classes with friends is a great way for me to do that. Sometimes I don't schedule enough time to slow down, breathe, and stretch, and knowing I can catch up with a friend either before or after 1. makes sure I get it done and 2. means I'll get even more out of the experience. It's also a great  way to introduce more people to yoga; if a friend is thinking of taking a class, inviting her to come along can be a good way for her to get started.

What is your favorite yoga pairing?

- Rachel 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Yoga at the Mall

The Dallas Business Journal is reporting that J.C. Penney is planning to offer in-store activities, including yoga, in the near future. The retailer's CEO Ron Johnson said, “We are here to transform J.C. Penney, not to improve J.C. Penney."

While I'm a fan of in-store yoga classes (Lululemon has been offering them for years), I am curious if these classes will be held during regular shopping hours. It sounds like that is the plan, and it's hard for me to imagine practicing in the middle of a store filled with shoppers. But hey, yoga is about being in the moment and not getting distracted, so maybe it would be a fun challenge. And I can imagine it would be a nice break from shopping stress come December!

Would you practice yoga in the middle of a department store like J.C. Penney? How about in the town square? Don't forget, we're hosting a free yoga class outside in the plaza at Sugar Land Town Center on Monday at 9:30 AM! See you there?

- Rachel

Is J.C. Penney your new yoga studio? [Dallas Business Journal]

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lululemon Trying to Patent Its Yoga Pants

The Lululemon "Astro" pant
Yoga apparel company Lululemon has developed quite a devoted following in the past few years, with many yoga enthusiasts swearing by their pants (though the $100 price tag and company's culture have raised a lot of eyebrows). Now the Vancouver-based company is making headlines because they are suing Calvin Klein, alleging that the other brand copied the waistband design of their "Astro" pant, along with two other design elements.

When I first heard about this lawsuit, I assumed they were trying to patent their pants' thick, stretchy, sweat-wicking material (which I am quite fond of, I must admit), which I assumed was created using some kind of fancy technology; I was surprised to hear that it's the waistband that they want to patent. Then again, the waistband is one of the reasons I like Lululemon's pants; it's keeps the pants in place during my practice and makes them extra flattering. It's one of the reasons I'm willing to spend more for these yoga pants, so don't blame the brand for wanting to protect the design.

While the lawsuit will probably have more far-reaching effects for the fashion industry than the yoga community, I'm still intrigued by it. This kind of competition seems somewhat anti-yoga; on the other hand though, Lululemon has a business to run. It will be interesting to see what happens in court.

Have you worn Lululemon's yoga pants? Do you think they are patent-worthy?

- Rachel 

 Lululemon patent claim highlights cutthroat yoga world [Chicago Tribune]

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Inspiration: Discover the Unknown

My inspiration this week comes from late astronomer Carl Sagan.

Last week, NASA's rover Curiosity made history when it landed on Mars. We have Curiosity because of people who saw incredible things waiting to be discovered and found a way to uncover them. It's the same reason we have the iPhone and Michelangelo's David. 

There are always stories waiting to be told and discoveries to be made. Someone has to get out there and find them, so why not me? This week, I'm going to try to go beyond the status quo at work, in my creative efforts, and at home, and discover something new. 

- Rachel 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Healthy Recipe: Crispy Fish Sandwich

If you're in need of a light and healthy dinner that won't require that you spend too much time over a hot stove, give these fish sandwiches a try!

Ingredients (serves two)

Two tilapia fillets, about four ounces each (I love frozen tilapia fillets for recipes like this one)

1/2 cup Panko (Japanese bread crumbs)

1/2 tbsp butter

1/2 tsp Old Bay seasoning

1/2 tbsp butter melted

Salt and pepper to taste

Whole-wheat hamburger buns, lettuce, tomato, and mayo


Melt half a tablespoon of butter over medium-low heat and add the breadcrumbs. Cook for about five minutes, stirring frequently, until golden brown. Then stir in the Old Bay. Transfer the crumbs to a plate. (You can make these the night before; just store at room temperature in an airtight container.)

Meanwhile, season the fish with salt and pepper and fire up the grill. Grill for about 8 minutes, turning once.

While the fish is grilling, toast the buns and top with mayo, lettuce, and tomato. When the fish is done brush each fillet on both sides with the remaining half-tablespoon of melted butter and then press the fish into the toasted breadcrumbs, getting it nice and coated. Fish flakes when it’s cooked, so it might fall apart a bit, but just scoop up the breadcrumbs and coat it as best you can. Serve on the hamburger buns.

This is a delicious dinner for a summer evening! Enjoy!

- Rachel 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Yoga & the Olympics

Have you been following the Olympics? While I'm not a huge sports fan, I love watching the summer games on TV. (And my family actually went to the '96 games in Atlanta!) I thought I'd share some ways I've seen yoga making its way into the Olympics this year.

First, US men's basketball player Deron snapped this photo of coach Mike Krzyzewski getting his child's pose on.

I can imagine that being a coach for Team USA gets pretty stressful and I can see why he'd take a moment to breathe!

In other news, have you heard that some people want to make yoga an Olympic sport? USAYoga is an international organization that is pushing for this; they put on the National Yoga Asana Championship back in March. According to CBS News:
Participants must do a series of seven yoga poses in three minutes. Five are compulsory — standing head-to-knee pose, standing bow-pulling pose, bow pose, rabbit pose, and stretching pose. The participants are allowed to pick the last two poses themselves.
Rajashree Choudhury, founder of USA Yoga, claims that the focus is on yoga postures. Still, a lot of people are questioning whether turning yoga into a competition goes against everything yoga is about. While I can see why those who love yoga would want to bring it to an international event like the Olympics, I am not really on board with this idea. I chose yoga specifically because it's not a competition; I'm not crazy about the idea of turning it into one.

Have you been following the Olympics? What do you think of the idea of yoga as an Olympic sport?

- Rachel 

Yoga poses as Olympic sport: Is that a stretch? [CBS News]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thoughts on My 31-Day Yoga Challenge

Last month, I made a decision to do a 31-day yoga challenge at what seemed like the worst possible time: as my fiance and I prepared to close on and then move into our new house.

See, my motivation drops considerably in the summer, and with more important things to do (meet our Realtor at the house to sign documents, look for freelance work so I'd have some extra cash for the move) or more fun things to do (wander Lowe’s or look for decor inspiration on Pinterest for an hour with Eric), I knew things could quickly spiral out of control for me, and I'd find myself feeling sluggish, cranky, and out of shape. So for the first time in my life, I decided that rather than retreat to the couch with my carbs, I was going to try something new: run directly toward the challenge by taking on an additional challenge. So I took on a 31-day yoga challenge.

Yoga every day. That was my only goal. I didn't set a goal for minutes or types of classes or anything like that; I didn't expect any specific results. I just wanted to practice yoga every single day and the only thing I was hoping to achieve was “feel really good because I did something hard that I wasn’t sure if I could do.”

Well, the 31 days has now come and gone and I must say, I do feel pretty good because I did something hard that I wasn't sure if I could do!

I'll be honest: I missed a few days. It was probably actually a 26-day yoga challenge. But even though I didn't do yoga every single day, I really learned that making time to practice yoga daily is SO worth it. I sort of knew that already, but that doesn't mean I'd always make myself practice when I was feeling comfy on the couch. The challenge gave me the motivation I needed. Overall, I felt super energized and balanced despite everything going on in my life. I built strength by doing tons of chair poses and confidence as I tried new classes at the studio and tried yoga podcasts for the first time. Even if I only had it in me to do one pose (and I usually found myself doing more than that once I got going), I still felt refreshed and renewed afterward. Toward the end of the challenge, I was really busy and overwhelmed with all the stuff going on with the house, but I was still remembering to take the time to check in with my breath and my emotions each day. I haven't been to the studio in more than a week, but I feel like I won't struggle to bounce back because I've been keeping my hips loose and my shoulders strong.

Since giving myself this challenge, I've been reminded of how amazing and powerful yoga is and I feel re-committed to my yoga practice. I'll likely take on another challenge like this when I'm anticipating stressful times ahead and next time, I will probably commit to practicing more (and get more specific about classes, daily minutes, etc). But until then, I see myself continuing practicing yoga, even just for a few minutes here and there, nearly every day. It truly is amazing what a few poses can do for you.

Have you ever taken a yoga challenge like this? Would you ever try practicing yoga every day? 

- Rachel 


Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Inspiration: Stronger Trees

This Monday, after more than a week of storms in Houston and lots of storms in my personal life (my fiance and I were closing on a house last week and it was stressful!) my inspiration for this week comes from Dolly Parton.

If any more storms come my way this week, I'll be thinking of how strong my roots are getting!

- Rachel

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Yoga Teacher vs. Facebook

A yoga teacher hired by Facebook to teach a weekly class for their employees was fired this week because she chastised a student who was using her phone during the class.
"We are in the business of providing great customer service," said her termination notice from Plus One Health Management [the corporate fitness company that Facebook went through to employ her]. "Unless a client requires us to specifically say no to something, we prefer to say yes whenever possible."
While saying yes as often as possible seems like the yogic thing to do, I feel like this teacher was treated unfairly. A no cell phone policy is pretty standard for all yoga classes, out of respect for our fellow students and for our own safety (if we're paying more attention to our phones than the instructor, we could miss an important verbal or visual cue and hurt ourselves). I would think that Facebook chose to hold in-office yoga sessions precisely to help employees unplug. Even if the employee didn't feel the rule applied to her, I would expect the yoga instructor's boss to use this as a teaching moment for the Facebook execs who hired their company.

On the other hand, this reminds me of something that happened during a spin class I attended a few years ago. After the last tough song, as we slowed our legs and marveled at what a great workout we'd had, one woman in the class commented loudly something to the effect of, "YEAH, maybe some people should GET OFF THEIR CELL PHONES AND ACTUALLY GET SOMETHING OUT OF THE CLASS." Heads swiveled to the woman in the class who was, at that moment, on her Blackberry (and presumably had been throughout the class). The woman looked pretty affronted and fired back that this was the only way she could get away from her desk and get her workout in -- by still checking in from time to time. (Though she didn't say it quite so nicely.) Until that moment, I had never considered that people might not be checking their texts, but might just be on call, and it made me feel a bit more sympathetic to those who check their phones during class. They may not get as much out of their class, but they are getting something, which is better than nothing, so now I try my best to keep my eyes on my own mat and not let it distract me.

Regardless of whether or not the Facebook employee had a good reason for being on her phone, I think the instructor was just doing her job and shouldn't have been fired for this. It seems like a good opportunity to talk to her techie students about why it's important to unplug and it would be a real shame if Facebook did away with their in-office yoga sessions because of this conflict.

What do you think? Was the instructor right to tell the student to stop using her phone in class? Share your thoughts in the comments! 

- Rachel 

Yoga teacher fired over cell phone ban at Facebook [SFGate]

Monday, July 9, 2012

This Week's Inspiration: Do The Crazy Thing

Mondays have a reputation for being rough, but I've decided to turn that thinking on its head. Mondays have a lot of benefits. They are a fresh start. They are an opportunity to do work you care about and love. And after a couple days off, they can offer a welcome return to your routine.

Still, it can be hard to remember this on Sunday night when you're lamenting how fast the weekend went or on Monday morning when you're hitting the snooze and realizing you have nothing to wear. So I've decided that in order to get my week started on the right foot, I'm going to find something every Monday morning, whether it's a quote or a picture or a story or a song, to inspire the week ahead. I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles with Mondays, so I thought it would be fun to start sharing my inspiration here!

Here is this week's inspiration:

This week, I am going to make it a point to do something that scares me. I'm not sure what it will be yet, but when the opportunity presents itself (and I'm sure it will!), I'm going to make it a point to give it a try because, as the picture says, "not trying is another kind of death."

Anyone care to join me?

- Rachel

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fabulous and Festive 4th of July Recipes

Are you ready for a little mid-week vacation? Me too! Whether you're heading to the beach or a BBQ or just hanging out at home and enjoying a much-needed day off, here are some recipes to make your Independence Day a little sweeter.

Stars and Stripes Pie [via Woman's Day]

Stuffed Strawberries [via LearnVest]

French Toast with Berry Butter [via The Pioneer Woman -- I made this last year and it was awesome!]

Blueberry, Strawberry & Jicama Salad [via Two Peas & Their Pod]

Homemade Hamburger Buns [via Eat, Live, Run]

Patriotic Ice Pops [via Pennies on a Platter]

Star S'mores [via Martha Stewart Living]

What is your favorite thing to eat on the 4th of July?

- Rachel

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Having a Power (Yoga) Lunch

If you're around the studio at lunchtime, it's likely you've seen me there too. I love midday yoga sessions. A lot of people think they can't make this work with their schedules, so I'm here to give you some tips.

Planning for Work

When I know I'm heading to yoga midday, I pack a lunch to eat at my desk and I try to pick a lunch that doesn't involve a ton of prep work. I've realized that any lunch that requires me to go back to the microwave to stir it four times isn't a good lunch for these days. If I waste too much time running between my desk, the fridge, and the microwave, I don't feel like I'm really working through lunch.

I also wear as much of my workout gear as I can to work. I have a short drive to the studio, so the less time I spend changing, the better. My go-to outfit on workout days is ankle-length black workout leggings, a long black workout tank top, some sort of work-appropriate outer layer (like an oversized button-down or long cardigan or wrap), and riding boots. Depending on your office's dress code, you may only be able to wear part of your outfit (like your leggings under a dress), but that's a good start. Sometimes I throw a scarf on over everything too; I've found that the more layers I have going on, the less likely anyone is to notice that I'm wearing workout clothes at the core.

Planning for the Sweat Factor

I know it can seem gross to come back to your desk right after working out, and it is a little...but honestly, it's not unbearable.

The biggest concern for a lot of women is their hair, and, well, I get that. The best thing I've found is to just keep my hair down as much as possible during my practice. When I must put my hair up (like during inversions when it starts to fall in my face, or when I just get too hot), I just twist it up loosely with a scrunchie and then take it out as soon as that part of class ends. That way it doesn't get bends or bumps in it. Your roots might get a little sweaty, but they will dry. Figuring out what will work for your hair takes a little trial and error; some people find sweat bands help a lot while others prefer to quickly blow dry.

I always pack a second pair of underwear to change into after class, and I typically bring a second pair of leggings if there's a chance I'm going to get really sweaty. I also keep baby wipes and deodorant in my desk to use to freshen up a bit more.

I used to spend more time cleaning up when I got back to the office, touching up my makeup and trying to fix my hair, but I'm kinda over it at this point. I've become OK with just being slightly damp and I've realized that if I spend the second half of my day with less-than-perfect hair, it's fine. And usually I find that going to yoga midday gives me a healthy, natural glow that I love.

While grabbing lunch or gossiping with co-workers in the break room can be a nice break in the day, I find that getting my blood flowing on my mat is so much better for my body and mind. (It also frees up my night so I can spend time cooking, reading, or hanging out with my fiance.) Not only do I get a break from sitting all day, but I also find that I'm way more creative and relaxed once I get back to the office, which makes me a better employee.

Awakened Yoga's Midday Schedule

Monday: Gentle Hatha @ 12:00
Tuesday: Yoga-lates @ 12:00
Thursday: Power Lunch @ 12:00
Friday: Power Lunch @ 12:00

Do you ever practice yoga during your lunch break? We'd love to hear your tips for making it work! If not, would you try a lunchtime yoga class sometime?

- Rachel

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Yoga Anywhere

Taking yoga outside of the studio seems like a hot topic lately! First, SHAPE magazine invited their readers to take pictures of themselves practicing yoga anywhere. The pictures of people practicing all over town (and the world) were pretty great.

Then yogis took over Times Square on June 20 to celebrate the summer solstice.

While I love my studio classes for so many reasons, I also think it's great to mix it up once in a while. Lately I've been practicing in a pretty unconventional place: my bathroom! I'm doing a 31-day yoga challenge and I need to do some at-home sessions to fit it all in. Unfortunately, my apartment is mostly carpet, which can make yoga practice difficult. The only room with a big enough hard surface for me to practice on is my bathroom, so I've been setting my laptop and mat up in there. By turning off the overhead light and lighting a few candles, I've been able to transform the bathroom into something a bit more Zen for some great home sessions.

Where do you practice yoga outside of the studio?

- Rachel

Join the Yoga Anywhere Revolution [SHAPE]
SHAPE Readers' Most Amazing Yoga Poses [SHAPE]
Yoga In Times Square: First Day Of Summer Celebrated In Times Square For Mind Over Madness (PHOTOS) [Huffington Post]

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Class Act: Yoga-lates with Michelle

On Tuesday, I really wanted to practice yoga at the studio, but I wasn't sure how I felt about the classes that were at the times I could go. There were two yoga + pilates classes -- classes that always make me feel really nervous. I hadn't actually ever taken one...and I realized that day that I'd actually been avoiding them.

I was avoiding these classes because my abs are my "problem area," and not in the way that so many women's magazines use that term. I don't have a problem with how the area looks (not because I have great abs, but because I just don't care that much); it's a problem area because my abs are weak. I feel really self-conscious whenever I'm in any class that has an abs section because I tucker out so fast. Everyone seems to be doing fine with it while I'm struggling. I'm sure it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy. I feel like my abs are weak, so I hate working on then I don' they stay weak. (I'm also convinced that everyone else is secretly doing hundreds of crunches every night before bed, even if they aren't doing anything else. How else would everyone have such strong abs?!?)

I actually considered going to another yoga studio just to avoid the abs, but then I realized I was being ridiculous. That was way too much work to go through to avoid working on my abs; I needed to get over it and give Yoga-lates a try. And you know what? I ended up loving the class. First of all, I love Michelle and haven't been to one of her classes in a while. Second, I had forgotten how much I actually like pilates. It's ab-centric, but I really don't dislike it at all. And turns out, the ab section in the Yoga-lates class wasn't that much longer than it is in any other yoga class, and I actually felt like I could keep up. It was a challenging class overall but I left feeling really, really good. I'm so glad I made myself go! 

Is there a class on the schedule you've been afraid to try? Will you give it a try this week?

- Rachel

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Best Part of Waking Up: Morning Yoga

Have you been making it to the early classes on Awakened's schedule? If not, you might want to give them a try this week!

Reasons to Try Morning Yoga This Week
  1. You'll feel amazing all day. Not just because yoga makes you feel amazing, but because the sense of accomplishment is a huge confidence boost that will last through your entire day. 
  2. It's a lovely way to start the day. Rather than hitting the snooze three times, scarfing a bowl of cereal, and then grumbling as you sit in traffic, you can start your day slowly and peacefully. 
  3. You don't have to stress about getting to class later in the day or worry about last-minute things interfering with your plans. It's easy to find excuses; we've all made plans to take a yoga class in the evening and then missed it because our day threw us a curveball. Going to the studio first thing means you don't have to worry about that. 
  4. It's summer! The fact that the sun is coming up earlier these days makes it much easier to get yourself out of bed at 5:30 AM. 
Even if you know about all the great benefits of a morning class, it can still be hard to actually get there.

Ways to Get Yourself to Morning Yoga
  • A morning session really starts the night before. Make sure to adjust your bedtime to account for getting up earlier than you usually do. 
  • Even if you only plan to go to morning yoga once or twice a week, try getting up earlier a couple additional times each week. The more an early wake-up time becomes part of your routine, the easier it will be. (And it can take a few days or weeks to get into the morning habit, so don't give up!)
  • Lay your clothes out the night before so you don't have to do very much in the morning. (I've also heard of morning exercisers who just sleep in their workout clothes so they can roll out of bed and go.)
  • Don't hit the snooze; just get up and go. (If you want an alarm that eases you into waking, try the Sleep Cycle app.)
  • Give yourself a little something to look forward to for after class. Something as small as getting an iced coffee from your favorite cafe on your way home can be really motivating. 
Awakened Yoga's Morning Schedule

Monday: Iyengar @ 6 AM
Wednesday: Iyengar @ 6 AM
Friday: Iyengar @ 6 AM
Saturday: Vinyasa @ 8:15 AM
Sunday: Vinyasa @ 8:30 AM

(PS I love Iyengar as a morning class -- the slower pace makes it a great option for the morning!)

Do you like morning yoga classes? Would you try a morning class a try this week? Let us know in the comments!

- Rachel

Image courtesy of

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lazy Sunday Links

Happy Sunday! I just got back from a lovely Vinyasa class at the studio with Helen. There were only a few of us there -- is everyone else out celebrating Father's Day?

If you have a second to check out some new reading material today, here are some great choices.

Celebrating Dad -- Are Daughters Like Their Fathers? [via]

The summer solstice is June 20 -- celebrate with Sun Salutation A! [via FitSugar]

Mindful Breathing: Round n' Round We Go [via Daily Cup of Yoga]

5 Ways Yoga Helps You Become a Better Person [via MindBodyGreen]

10 Feel-Good Thoughts for a Bad Day [via Mark and Angel Hack Life]

I'm off to get cleaned up and then head to the grocery store. Have a great evening!

- Rachel 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Do You Mind When Yoga Instructors Touch You?

I read an article last week about a high-tech tank top that would give you a "subtle nudge" when you are out of alignment during yoga. The Move by electricfoxy "includes 4 stretch and bend sensors located in the front, back and sides. Together, they read your body’s position and muscle movement, assess whether it is correct, and provide real-time feedback to correct it through haptic feedback components located in the hips and shoulders." Wow...crazy, right!?

While I'm not convinced this kind of athletic wear is going to become widely available any time soon, it did make me start thinking about receiving "subtle nudges" in yoga classes.

Personally, I love it when instructors adjust my body. While I love the feeling that I am doing a pose correctly (it makes me feel like I'm getting more experienced), I'm not insulted if they correct me. I'd always rather be doing the pose right. When an instructor touches me to help me to relax my neck, square my hips, or reposition my arms, I can then allow the muscles that are supposed to be working the chance do their job and get stronger. I also feel more confident that I'm not going to injure myself.

Beyond that, I find an instructor's touch can just feel really good; in so many cases, that touch helps me breathe deeper, sink lower, or stretch further, which feels great. Even if I can't do it on my own just yet, a few seconds of doing a pose more fully, with the support of someone I trust, helps me know what it can feel like, and I love that.

While I don't mind being touched or corrected in yoga classes, I know not everyone feels this way. Some people prefer not to be corrected or touched at all. Some people feel embarrassed by corrections, while others just don't like to be touched and feel that an instructor's touch can interfere with their sense of personal space and comfort levels.

So I'm curious: do you mind when instructors correct or touch you during class? Why or why not?

- Rachel

High-Tech Tank Top to Replace Teachers' Touch? [YogaDork]
Move [electricfoxy]

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lazy Sunday Links

How is your Sunday going? Mine has been busy, busy, busy! I'm hoping I'll get to have a little bit of a lazy Sunday this evening, but thus far, it's been all work and errands.

Hopefully you'll grab a moment for yourself today too! And if you do, here are some great articles worth checking out.

If beautiful yoga photos inspire you, you must check out the portfolio of these talented Vancouver photographers. [via Pure Souls]

Traveling this summer? Here are some great travel yoga mats. [via FitSugar]

If you're feeling stuck, read Five Ways to Re-Ignite Your Dwindling Yoga Practice. [via MindBodyGreen]

10 Signs You May Be Doing Too Much Yoga -- a hilarious read for those at the other end of the spectrum. [via Yoganonymous]

Have a great Sunday evening!

- Rachel

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Healthy Recipes: Greek Chicken Meatballs

This is one of my favorite recipes ever! I made it on Sunday and was once again amazed by how delicious it is.


1 lb ground chicken
2 tbsp milk
2 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper
2 tbsp panko bread crumbs
dash of Greek seasoning
one 6-ounce container of Greek yogurt
crumbled feta cheese
red onion, lettuce, pita, cucumber, and hummus for serving

Preheat the oven to 375.

Combine chicken, milk, oregano, red pepper, panko, and Greek seasoning in a large bowl. Mix well with a fork and use your hands to form about 15 small meatballs.

Place on a foil-lined baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes or until they are cooked through.

To serve, spread a pita with about tablespoon of Greek yogurt, a sprinkle of feta cheese, top with lettuce and red onion, and then put meatballs into the pita. Serve with veggies and hummus.

This recipe is fast, easy, and makes for a great lunch or light dinner!

- Rachel

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Three Yoga Poses That Scare Me

I'll be honest: when I first started yoga last summer, most poses scared me. The twists, the bends, all three warriors...each one was a question for me. How does this pose even work? OK I see you doing it but can I actually do it? Like, is my body going to let me? And...which hand goes where?! Luckily, I got the hang of most of the common poses pretty quickly and my fears waned. But there are still a few poses that I dread every single class.

1. Shoulder stand. Every time an instructor calls for it and the rest of the class just does it, I think, How is everyone doing this right now? How are you not terrified?! There's something about it that just takes me completely out of my comfort zone. I’ve learned some great modifications on the wall that are slowly making me more comfortable with it, but I'm still very wary of it. Baby steps.

2. Pigeon. OK I really do love pigeon, don't get me wrong...but the emotions that come along with it are so unpredictable, I'm a little nervous every time it comes up. I think, Is this going to be the day I just burst into tears in front of the whole class? It hasn't happened yet, but hearing how emotional it can be -- and experiencing a lot of emotions in it already -- I worry that I'm going to have a total break down any day now. Not that there's anything wrong with having a big release in a yoga class, but, ya know, that it could just sneak up on me when I'm not expecting it is a scary thought.

3. Wide squat. At first, this pose didn't scare me so much as confuse me. It confused me because it looks relatively easy but I just could not do it. It's just a squat, I'd think. Why is this so hard? Why can't I get my feet flat? Turns out, it is a hard pose. After a few weeks of nightly hip openers before bed, I started to get a lot closer; I could get my heels down...but I'd tip over very quickly. Then, a few weeks ago, Michelle told us to take this pose and as I was able to get my heels down and, just as I was able to stay completely balanced for the first time, she told the class what a hard pose it can be and how long it took her to be able to do it. I felt validated and excited and annoyed no one told me sooner all at once.

What yoga poses scare you?

- Rachel

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Healthy Recipe: Three-Bean Salad with Grilled Veggies

Happy Tuesday! I hope you had a great holiday weekend. Mine was filled with a lot of food, including this delicious three-bean salad from Cooking Light magazine.


1 cup halved heirloom grape or cherry tomatoes
1 teaspoon salt, divided
3 ears shucked corn
1 medium white onion, cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices
1 jalapeño pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
Cooking spray
1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/3 cup fresh lime juice
1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added pinto beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added black beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added kidney beans, rinsed and drained
2 avocados, peeled and diced

To make:

1. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
2. Place the tomatoes in a large bowl, and sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt. Let stand 10 minutes.
3. Brush corn, onion, and jalapeño evenly with oil. Place vegetables on grill rack coated with cooking spray. Grill corn for 12 minutes or until lightly charred, turning after 6 minutes. Grill onion slices and jalapeño 8 minutes or until lightly charred, turning after 4 minutes.
4. Let vegetables stand 5 minutes. Cut kernels from cobs. Coarsely chop onion. Finely chop jalapeño; discard stem.
5. Add corn, onion, and jalapeño to tomato mixture; toss well. Add remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, cilantro, and next 4 ingredients (through kidney beans) to corn mixture; toss well. Top with avocado.

This is a vegetarian recipe, but I added sliced grilled chicken to it to take it from side dish to dinner.  My fiance and I both loved the finished product. Paired with a cold drink (margaritas, anyone?), it's perfect for your summer picnics and BBQs.

What was the best thing you ate this holiday weekend?

- Rachel 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Product Review: Manduka Mat Renew

Not long after I started practicing yoga last year, I decided to invest in a quality mat. I didn't know much about yoga, so buying a mat intimidated me, but eventually I found a mat that I adore (the Manduka PROlite, in case you're curious). Once I had a great mat, I wanted to be sure to take good care of it.

One of the first priorities on my list was learning to take care of my mat properly. How was I supposed to clean this thing? Would water do the trick? Did I need to disinfect it? While there are as many solutions out there as there are yogis, I saw Manduka Mat Renew in the Awakened boutique and decided to give it a try.

I've been using it for several months and I really like it! Now my post-Savasana ritual is to spray my mat with the cleaner, wipe it with a damp cloth, and lay it flat to dry. Not only does it get rid of the sweat and germs I leave on it after each class, but it also keeps my mat and my mat bag smelling fresh thanks to the essential oils.

How do you clean your mat? Have you ever tried Manduka Mat Renew?

- Rachel

Friday, May 18, 2012

Yoga for Athletes

I've seen a lot of classes called "Yoga for Athletes" on the schedule at different studios, and I came across an article today about why every athlete should do yoga. And there are tons of pro athletes practicing yoga these days; it was reported last fall that the New York Giants brought in a yoga instructor for the athletes to practice with after team meetings. The team's tight end, Kevin Boss, gives yoga much of the credit for his success.

While I definitely considered taking up yoga while I was focusing on other sports/workouts (running, cycling), it wasn't until I made yoga my main focus that I really connected with it. Still, I've heard amazing things from athletes (even amateurs and hobbyists) who have added yoga to their routines. From marathoners to equestrians, there are so many different types of athletes who love what yoga has done for their bodies.

I'm curious whether most people come to yoga now as they seek to improve their performance in another sport, or if they seek it out for entirely different reasons (mind/body connection, stress relief, etc). While I'm in the latter category, I 'm willing to bet a lot of people in our community are athletes outside of the yoga studio.

Are you an athlete who was attracted to yoga? Share your story in the comments!

- Rachel

Why Every Athlete Should Do Yoga [MindBodyGreen]
Yoga not just for girls: NFL players benefit from yoga [Yahoo! sports]

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Healthy Recipe: Nectarine & Almond Chicken Salad

I love making chicken salad for lunch; it's healthy, fast, inexpensive, and delicious. I have a lot of different recipes I like to use, but this is a good one that puts a new twist on the classic. (I actually entered it in a healthy recipe contest a couple years ago and made it to the semi-finals!)


6-8 ounces 2 percent plain Greek yogurt (like Fage)
2 cups of cooked chicken, chopped (use canned or leftovers)
1/2 cup of celery, chopped
1/4 cup dried nectarines, chopped
1/4 cup green onions, chopped
1/4 cup slivered almonds
Salt and pepper to taste

To make, simply combine all the ingredients. Then serve on bread or a croissant, or with a side of crackers and some fresh crudites.

This recipe is great! The onions add a little zing and the almonds add texture along with healthy fats. And for how little you need in terms of ingredients, it makes a lot of chicken salad -- I got three very large servings out of it.

Do you have a go-to chicken salad recipe? Share in the comments below! 

- Rachel 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lazy Sunday Links

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you're having a great day, whether you're a mom or just someone who loves and appreciates all the great things mothers (our own and others') do for us!

Here are some links from around the web this week:

Try a mother-daughter poses from Yoga With Mom [via Athleta Chi]

5 Age-Old Cooking Rules I Learned From My Mom Part I & Part II [via MindBodyGreen]

Making Time: The Ultimate Mommy and Baby Yoga Experience [via YogaDork]

Is yoga the best choice for a teen? Parents and experts weigh in. [via the Seattle Times]

It might be too late to make brunch for your mom, but here are some great brunch recipes to make for yourself next weekend! [via Shutterbean]

Have a great Sunday night!

- Rachel

Monday, May 7, 2012

Healthy Recipe: Chai Banana Bread

I usually am really annoyed when I see my food starting to go bad, with one exception: bananas. Then I know that nothing will go to waste, because it's time to make banana bread. If you like banana bread, try this healthy version with a twist from the May issue of Cooking Light magazine: chai banana bread.


1 1/2 cups mashed ripe banana (about 3)
1/3 cup plain fat-free yogurt
5 tablespoons butter, melted
2 large eggs 
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
10 ounces (2 and 1/4 cups) all-purpose flour 
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 tsp ground cardamom*
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground allspice
1 and 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, divided
Cooking spray
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1 and 1/2 tsp low-fat milk 

*If you don't think you'll use cardamom very often, buy only what you need from the bulk section! A whole bottle of cardamom at HEB costs $8; a teaspoon from the bulk section cost me 43 cents. The bulk section is a great way to save money on recipes with a lot of obscure ingredients. 

1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. Combine the first four ingredients in a bowl; beat with a mixer at medium speed just until blended. Add sugars; beat at medium just until blended.

3. Weigh or spoon flour into dry measuring cups. Combine flour, soda, and salt. Add flour mixture to banana mixture; beat just until blended.

4. Combine cardamom and next 3 ingredients. Stir 1 and 1/2 teaspoons spice mixture and 1 teaspoon vanilla into batter. Pour into a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350 for 65 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan on wire rack. Remove from pan; cool.

5. Combine remaining spice mixture, remaining vanilla, powdered sugar, and milk. Drizzle over bread.

So yummy! The chai spice blend added a little something extra to an already-delicious classic. Try the recipe and let me know what you think!

- Rachel

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lazy Sunday Links

Here are some great blog posts and articles from around the web on this lovely Sunday afternoon.

There is great advice on improving your relationship with yourself in How I Made the Body Image Shift. [via Curvy Yoga]

How often do you laugh during a yoga class? The yogis in Laughter Yoga: Can Happiness Heal? think you should do it more often. [via Huffington Post]

Need a little motivation? Read 10 Quotes to Inspire Your Yoga Practice ASAP! [via MindBodyGreen]

You already know that posture is a big deal, but these funny comics are a good reminder. [via YogaDork]

Mother's Day is a week from today! Here are 10 Gifts for the Yoga Momma in your life. [via Namaste, Y'all]

I'm off to Grace's beginners class at the studio now! Have a great Sunday evening!

- Rachel

Thursday, May 3, 2012

There's an App for That!

While I definitely don't recommend whipping out your cell phone during a yoga class, I'm a big fan of using my smartphone to enhance my practice. Here are some cool yoga and healthy living apps worth checking out!

MINDBODY. This app uses GPS technology to find yoga studios and classes in your area and allows you to sign up for them from your phone. You can use it to find classes at Awakened and sign up right from your phone; it's also really handy when you want to find a yoga class while traveling or after a move.

Mindfulness Meditation 2.0. This is a great app for guided meditation -- there are 5, 10, 15, and 20 minute options. Perfect for meditating anytime, anywhere.

MyFitnessPal. Dieters rave about MyFitnessPal, which is a calorie counter and food/exercise diary. Food journaling has repeatedly been proven to be an effective way to help take off pounds, and having your food journal at your fingertips makes it much easier.

Sleep Cycle. Place your phone glass-side down on your mattress and let the app analyze your sleep patterns and wakes you up during the lightest part of your sleep cycle, making it way easier to get out of bed. It also gives you soothing alarm sounds -- no more waking up to the blaring that makes you think AHHH IS SOMETHING ON FIRE?! It also tracks your sleep for you, letting you know how much sleep you're getting each night and the exact times you go from "Deep Sleep" to "Somewhat Awake."

Do you have a favorite app for healthy living?

- Rachel

Monday, April 30, 2012

Healthy Recipe: Grilled Coconut Kale

I’d always heard you can grill greens, but I never had the courage to do it. I mean, I've caught my grill on fire more times than I can remember...should I really put something as delicate as leaves on there?! But grilling is such a great way of cooking healthy meals when it's too hot to be in the kitchen (like now!) that I decided to take a chance on this grilled coconut kale.

Grilled coconut kale

1 bunch kale

1 can full-fat coconut milk (the added creaminess keeps the kale from burning)

Spices (I went with Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy plus extra black pepper; you can also just use cumin, chili powder, and red pepper. Think spicy and warm!)

This recipe is so simple to make! First, wash the kale and then dip it in a dish with the coconut milk; then turn it over and over until it’s well-coated. Then sprinkle liberally with the spices. Cover it with foil and let it marinate in the fridge for about four hours, turning a few times to redistribute the coconut milk.

Once the leaves have marinated, fire up the grill! Kale is surprisingly hearty. I kept the heat low but really and it about five minutes on each side over medium heat.

The finished product was really smoky and flavorful. I thought it was going to be crispy, but it really wasn’t; it was just tender and delicious.

Give this recipe a try this week and let me know what you think!

- Rachel

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SMART Goal Setting

I love making goals. Like, really love. Morning goals, afternoon goals, saving money goals, better hair goals, trip-to-Target goals (ex: "Buy only a thank you card; do not buy $80 worth of beauty products, gum, snacks, and new workout pants.")...I love them all! I usually make new goals each month.

Goals often start out as vague statements, but experts recommend that we make better goals by using the SMART technique. I'll use one of my current goals -- practice yoga every weekend -- to show how to use the SMART method when setting your goals.

S– specific. A good goal is very specific. "Practice yoga more" isn't very specific. How much more do I want to practice? Does it have to be a class, or is a podcast OK? Since my weekends are wide open and I'm always rushing to squeeze in yoga during the week, I decided to go with "take at least one yoga class each weekend (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday)" for my goal.

M– measurable. There has to be some way to measure your goal to prove you’ve attained it. Goals that involve some kind of definite quantity (X times per week, X times per month) are great. I put every yoga class I take on my calendar so at the end of the month, I can look back and see how often I went.

A– attainable. You want your goals to be challenging, but you should truly believe you are capable of achieving them. It's OK if it feels like it might be hard -- easy goals just aren't motivating -- but they shouldn't be so hard you get frustrated and just give up. Doing yoga at 6 AM every single weekend day? Totally not attainable for me right now. But once each weekend feels just right.

R– relevant. If your goal isn't important to you and your interests, you won't care enough to stick with it, so think about why you're making the goal. I want to practice yoga on the weekend regularly because it will keep me active on otherwise lazy days, and because I have more free time and won't have to rush to or from class.

T– time-bound. Give yourself a deadline. It’s OK if it’s near or far; it just needs to fit the goal. A deadline gives you a little bit of urgency so you're motivated to take action right away. I ended up with “Practice yoga at least one weekend day each month in April." On May 1st, I'll see how I did for April and then set new goals for the new month.

Now that you know the SMART way to make goals, it's time to set a goal. Even if it’s small. Even if it’s crazy and barely attainable. Even if everyone around you says you can't pull it off. Making a goal is quite often the first step to getting what you really want.

What are your goals and what are you doing (or planning to do) to achieve them? 

- Rachel

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lazy Sunday Links

Happy Sunday! I hope you're having a great day. Mine has been delightful -- I've had a super productive weekend, and I just got home from Mary's class at the studio, which was fantastic; now I'm looking forward to walking my dogs this evening and then grilling fajitas for dinner.

Here are some yoga and health and fitness stories from around the web to keep you entertained this gorgeous Lazy Sunday!

Read about the Ascend Program for prisoners in Yoga Program Offers Instant Karma [via]

Do you meditate? Maybe it's time to start! Putting Meditation Back on the Mat [via the New York Times]

Zombie yoga? Yup, it's at thing. Zombie, Pirate, and Alien Yoga -- Because You've Always Wondered, Just Admit It [via The Mary Sue]

Feeling guilty about leaving your kids while you practice? Here are some tips for getting past it: Guilt, Motherhood & Yoga [via MindBodyGreen]

Wait, I won't find happiness in the bottom of a bag of Doritos? Seven Surprising Ways Junk Food Makes You Miserable [via]

Have a great Earth Day!

- Rachel

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Sports Bra Challenge

A few weeks ago, I headed to a yoga class in Houston, and I wore long pants. As soon as I walked into the studio, I realized my mistake. I'm sorry, but 105-degree heat is never not going to punch me in the face. After I set up my mat, I went to the bathroom, where another woman in class struck up a conversation. I couldn't help but notice she came prepared -- she was wearing only her sports bra and very short shorts. While my immediate thought was, OK, so that's what I'm going to wear next time, my next thought was, Could I really be comfortable baring (almost) all in a yoga class?

I've been thinking about this more after reading about The Sports Bra Challenge, "a charity fitness event in which people will gather to support one another in accepting the person they are today; their bodies, their minds, their insecurities." The idea is that on May 17, 2012, workout and yoga studios will  invite women to special classes to work out in only their sports bras (and shorts/pants, of course) in the name of body confidence. All proceeds from the classes will go to benefit City of Hope's Positive Image Center and S.E.A.K. Foundation.

So could I do it? Well, in my entire life, I've only exercised in shorts and a sports bra in public one time. It was summer. It was really hot. (Or so I thought; I was still living in Michigan and hadn't moved to Houston and experienced a Houston summer yet.) I had spent the day at the pool and when it came time for my run, I was so hot, so brown, so sweaty, that I just couldn’t bear the thought of putting on clothes. So I decided to just…not. I mean, it’s just a body right? It’s not perfect, but it’s just a body. Being naked is natural for bodies. It was the kind of hot day in which most men would just go shirtless…no matter what their bodies looked like. So I decided to do the same. I figured that if I felt self-conscious, then, at the very least, I'd run faster!

The whole experience was surprisingly liberating. By the end of my run, I felt awesome. I felt hot -- like, attractive hot, which isn't always how I feel after a run. But I was also reminded that my body is...just a body. It's not some thing I should worry about so much. It's just a body. It goes running! It goes to yoga! It gets tan! Sometimes…it gets hot so then it decides to wear less clothes!

Thinking about that day, and thinking about how great yoga has been for my body image, I'm pretty sure that yes, I'm totally up for the Sports Bra Challenge 2012 and, really, for rocking just my sports bra for all of my hot yoga classes from here on out.

Do you practice yoga in just a sports bra (or without a shirt if you're male)? If not, would you be willing to take the Sports Bra Challenge? 

- Rachel

Would You Work Out in a Sports Bra in Public? [Huffington Post]
How Much Are You Willing to Reveal: The Sports Bra Challenge 2012 [Huffington Post]

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bouncing Back After a Yoga Break

So, confession time: I took a bit of a break from yoga recently. And by "bit of a break," I mean that I took a full month off. I didn't even realize it for a while; I though it had only been a week or so. When I realized it had been a full month -- and that my last full week of classes was back in February -- I was not happy with myself.

And what's more, I was really nervous for my first class back so I really wanted to put it off for as long as I possibly could. I didn't want to know how tight my muscles had gotten during my hiatus.

Luckily, this wasn't my first workout (or yoga) break, so I had some tricks for getting back into the swing of things. If it's been a while since your last yoga class, here are some things that might help you too.

  1. Ease into it privately at first. If you just can't brave a class, make a deal with yourself to practice today...but you can practice at home. Maybe you do a yoga DVD, or maybe you just do a few of your favorite poses each day. It can be nice to have that first "Oh no, my hips don't open anymore" moment privately. At least when you had back to class (and make yourself go within a few days of your at-home practice), you'll know the worst is over. 
  2. Just go. I know, it seems so obvious. But there's a reason Nike has made millions off the idea -- because sometimes, you just have to do it. Don't make excuses. Each day that went by that I made up another excuse, it only got worse.
  3. Take any class that's new to you. One of the most frustrating things about taking your first class after a long break is comparing yourself to how you were before the break. It can be so disheartening. So take a class that's completely new to you instead. You'll have no basis of comparison. So what if you're sore? Who isn't sore after a new class?
  4. Take a beginner's class. I'm a big fan of taking beginner's classes periodically, just to get a refresher on form and position. But after a hiatus, I find it's even more useful. The class moves slower so you can ease back into things and you can avoid the frustration (and injury!) you might experience if you jump back into your advanced-level class.

After my first class after my yoga break, my muscles were screaming and I was mad at myself for staying gone so long. But once I got that first class over with, I remembered why I love yoga and it was much easier for me to keep going. Since then, each class has gotten progressively easier and I'm feeling more like myself again. Sure I'm not back to where I was before, but I'm somewhere. And that's something to be proud of.

- Rachel

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Yoga Class Etiquette

Since I've started practicing yoga regularly, I've noticed a lot of little things other people do before/during/after yoga classes that get under my skin. I know that's probably not the most yogic way of thinking; I should tune that out, right? Not let what other people are doing get me down? Yes, I totally should. But for me, part of being a member of the yoga community means I acknowledge others' practices and do my best to respect them. With that in mind, I think it's good to consider the things we can do to be kinder and more respectful to those sharing the studio.

Here are four ways we can all be courteous to our fellow yogis:

1. Avoid talking loudly right outside the studio. Even though it's great to see a friend you haven't seen in a while waiting for the next class, it's best keep your voice to a whisper when chatting. If there is a class in session, these conversations can be incredibly disruptive as they finish their practice. Even if there isn't a class in session and you're simply hanging out on your mat, there are likely other people around you who are meditating or simply beginning to quiet their minds and relax their bodies. Let them have their moment.

2. Be timely. Arrive on time and stay all the way through class. (And yes, Savasana is part of class.) Sure things come up -- hello, traffic! -- but when this happens, it's best to enter the studio quietly and get settled quickly. This is not the time to unfurl your mat with fanfare and then make four long, slow, trips to collect props. If you know you have to leave right on time, or even a few minutes early, get a spot by the door and make a stealth exit. You're a yoga ninja -- remember that.

3. Turn your cell phone's sound off. And turn it off off. Don't put it on vibrate. Don't turn your Kylie Minogue ringtone to the quietest setting. Just turn it off. And if you do accidentally leave it on, please be courteous and hop off your mat to silence it the first time it rings. (For reason that I still haven't quite figured out, the person who forgot to silence her phone is always the most popular person in class. So not only am I distracted by the ringer, I'm also distracted thinking, I don't get that many phone calls in a day, let alone an hour. How does she do it?! Before I know it, I'm so busy contemplating whether I think she's a CEO, a doctor, or a movie star, I've totally forgotten to Chaturanga.)

4. Wear clean clothes. Yes, I said it. Look, I hate doing laundry as much as the next person but when it comes to my yoga clothes? Well, I know that Febreze just ain't cutting it. You may be totally comfortable with own natural scent, but just know that it might not be so well-received by those around you. And while we're talking smells, remember that it's best to skip the perfumes or scented lotions before class. Many people have allergies or are simply sensitive to these types of smells.

And here are four things we can always feel good about doing:

  • Knowing your body and its limits
  • Modifying poses when you need to 
  • Stopping to drink water
  • Taking Child's Pose
What are some other ways you think we can all respect each other in class? 

- Rachel

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Om + Yum

I'm usually absolutely famished after I finish a yoga class; once I've said "namaste" and started rolling up my mat, I'm onto thinking about what I'm going to eat. Sometimes I head home and hope my man has dinner waiting for me; other times he meets me at Town Center where we can take advantage of all of the restaurants surrounding the studio and enjoy our meal al fresco. I've also scheduled friend dates with girlfriends where we go to a morning yoga class and then out to breakfast. Yoga + food makes perfect sense to me.

Which is why I was not surprised to read that restaurants and yoga studios are now teaming up to bring food and yoga to their customers in new and delicious ways. Whether it's a Vinyasa class followed by a farm-to-table dinner cooked in a wood-burning stove or a prix fixe dinner + yoga package, it all sounds great to me! Since yogis are focused on mind, body, and spirit, it doesn't surprise me at all that they are looking for healthy, fresh, yummy food to satisfy the appetite they work up during a vigorous class. And the social aspect is a fantastic bonus.

Do you like having a hearty, healthy meal after a yoga class? Would you take a yoga-plus-dinner class?

- Rachel

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Do Men Need "Broga"?

I came across an article last week about "broga" -- aka yoga for men. From the article:
Co-founders of the Massachusetts-based Broga yoga studio certainly thought so, touting their program as a “strong” and “energetic” class “where it’s okay if you can’t touch your toes.” Putting aside the fact that it’s okay in any yoga class if you can’t touch your toes, there is certainly some truth to the subtext here: stereotypically, yoga often isn’t exactly viewed as a hyper-masculine pursuit.
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I find the name a little obnoxious and I don't like the idea that we have to call it something else or exclude a group of people just to get more people through the door. Can't we just work on breaking down the stereotype that yoga is only for women? Certainly all the male teachers and students already practicing must count for something. On the other hand, I'm excited about anything that gets more people to try yoga and if practicing with other men is what it takes for some guys to feel comfortable enough to start practicing, then I'm all for it! People have all different reasons for starting yoga and I'm sure some of them have to do with really great marketing.

What do you think? Do you think men need "broga" to start practicing? Or is this just a silly gimmick? Let us know your thoughts!

- Rachel

Broga? Yoga for Men Gets Its Own Name [Huffington Post]

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yoga Practice During An Allergy Attack

Last fall, I missed about two weeks of yoga because I had terrible allergies. (I'm not from Texas originally, and I'm convinced your pollen has it out for me!) I wanted to go to yoga, but the thought of emerging from my couch and going anywhere but Walgreens to buy new combinations of allergy meds was overwhelming. Eventually I got a sinus infection and missed another week of yoga.

Now I know that I should have just gone to yoga at the onset of my allergies. According to the May issue of "Yoga Journal," yoga can reduce symptoms of allergies by reducing your immune system's response to pollen.

The article says:
"Allergies are worsened by a stress reaction, which causes physiological responses, including the release of stress hormones and histamine, and triggers inflammation," says Jeff Migdow, M.D., director of Prana Yoga Teacher Training through the Open Center in New York as well as a holistic physician at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Lenox, Massachusetts. "Relaxation diminishes fight-or-flight response, and thereby reduces allergic symptoms." Through relaxation, the nervous system basically tells the immune system to hold its fire. Once the immune system backs off, the inflammation and mucus decrease, and symptoms diminish.
Migdow has a few more tips on allergies and yoga:

  • Avoid hot yoga or vigorous classes; instead, modify your practice to include smooth and relaxing asanas and lots of deep breathing.
  • Avoid forceful breathing or any pranayama through the nostrils, as congestion might make this difficult and uncomfortable. 
  • Do activities that keep your energy up, as allergies are associated with low energy. 
  • Do more standing poses (forward bends, backbends, twists) to massage your spine and strengthen and condition your lungs.
Allergy Antidote [Yoga Journal, May 2012]

Do you keep up your yoga practice when your allergies attack? Let us know!

- Rachel

Friday, March 30, 2012

Getting to Know Your Fellow Students

Most of us see the same faces in class week after week, but never really get to know each other. It can be awkward. Should I say hi to this person I see every morning? I don't want to interrupt her meditating. Will she think I'm creepy? Should I introduce myself? Then do we shake hands? Oh, wait, I'm supposed to be quiet before class starts...

You know how it goes.

We want to make getting to know the community at Awakened Yoga a little easier and we think our new Your Happiest Hour class is a great way to get started. So come to Jenny's heated Vinyasa class at 5:00 tonight and stick around afterward to get to know the people you were just sweating, stretching, and breathing with. It's BYO -- bring your own drinks, snacks, and treats to enjoy and to share!

Do you introduce yourself to other students before/after classes? Do you find it difficult to make new friends in yoga? Let us know in the comments!

- Rachel

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Meet Our New Blogger, Rachel

Meet Rachel, a student at Awakened and our newest blogger! Rachel has been practicing yoga for about six months and has officially fallen in love. She’ll be blogging each week about what’s going on in the yoga world, her experiences with yoga, and the latest news from Awakened. Read more about Rachel below.

What do you do for work?

I work 9-5 at a startup as a social media marketer and community manager. I also write my own blog,  The Life & Lessons of Rachel Wilkerson, and do a lot freelance writing and social media consulting.

What is the most important spiritual/mental benefit you have gained from your practice?

It’s amazing how much it’s helped me shut my brain off and unplug. I knew I’d experience that in class, but I’m a lot better at calming myself down off the mat now too. And I find myself taking deep cleansing breaths all throughout my day without even thinking about it.

What physical benefits have you experienced in your practice?

My whole body has changed! My arms and back are the biggest difference I noticed, and I lost about five pounds without doing any other type of exercise or making any changes to my diet at all. People who think you can’t lose weight from yoga or that it’s “too” slow are crazy! (Though I’ll admit, I used to think that.)

What is your favorite class at Awakened Yoga? Why?

I love Iyengar. The first time I took a class (with Sharon), I was so confused. I was like, Why is it so slow? Why aren’t we flowing? But I stuck it out and after a few weeks, I couldn’t get enough of it. I just love the slow intensity and Sharon is an amazing instructor. I also love any lunch time class. I love getting out of the office and doing yoga in the middle of my day; it definitely recharges my batteries.

What is your favorite pose? Why?

Turbo dog. It kills me in the most wonderful way. It makes me feel so strong and powerful.

Fearful of any pose?

Shoulder stand freaks me out. Every time an instructor calls for it and the rest of the class just does it, I think, How is everyone doing this right now? How are you not terrified?! Fortunately, I’ve learned some great modifications on the wall that are slowly making me more comfortable with it.

What is on your nightstand?

A bunch of electronics and chargers! Kindle, iPad, phone...I love all my geeky toys. I love reading, writing, and using social media (and all those things are part of my job) so they are always close by.

If you have purchased any products at the studio for your practice, what is your favorite and why?

Love my Manduka mat cleaner! I splurged on a pricey mat, so I want to take really good care of it.

Be sure to check the blog regularly for Rachel's posts and say hi if you see her in class!

Our Teacher of the Month - Aaron!

When did you start practicing yoga and what brought you to yoga?

I started practicing about 6 years ago. I was interested in examining my inner world more deeply.

How long have you been teaching? What do you love about teaching?

I have been teaching for 5 years, what I love about teaching is sharing my passion and being of service to others.

What do you like about Awakened Yoga Studio and its students?
The Awakened Yoga community is so loving and supportive, it feels more like family.
Please finish these sentences:
  • My favorite rainy day activity is... teaching yoga, when I'm not doing that, I enjoy deepening my knowledge and understanding of the philosophy of yoga, meditation, and playing with my son, sometimes napping.
  • I wish I could tell my 12-year-old self... to focus on love rather than fear.
  • No one knows that I... pick my nose. Until now...
  • My guiltiest pleasure is... not feeling guilty. No probably it is eating animals.
  • This morning I ate... some prunes, fried egg sandwich, and early grey tea with honey and cream.
  • My advice to students is... cultivate a daily practice, whether it is postures, breathing, meditation, mental yoga or some combination. What are you doing today to create the life you want?